Make A Difference

Make a difference

Volunteer today

Learn how to become a “practice partner” for adult English learners and provide one-on-one support while building community online or face-to face.

Register for a 1-hour Virtual Meeting

Learn more about the English Together approach. Ask questions and get clear answers.


Sign up to become a "Practice Partner"

Commit to a weekly one-hour session. Get started using our online preparation materials or attend prep sessions with our staff.


Get matched with an adult learner.

Choose a beginner, a still-growing or advanced learner.


Get started

Agree on place and time for meeting (virtually or face-to-face)


Serve as a "Practice Partner"

Use our online volunteer resources and materials.


How Volunteering as a "Practice Partner" Works

The time commitment needed is only around 1 hour a week for 10 weeks, and can be flexible around your schedule. If you’re not able to make that commitment, consider making a donation, which also helps support us!

Our initiative builds on over 25 years of experience of working with college-age volunteers in various projects including Ravenswood English and Ingles Personal sin surrounding communities such as East Palo Alto, Redwood City, and Mountain View, California.

You can meet with your learner on our weekly Zoom meeting, or you can meet with your learner face-to-face at a time and place convenient to both of you.


Have questions, or want to learn more? Please feel free to email us at

How To Make A Difference

The English Together Approach

English Together uses a one-on-one practice-focused approach to supporting English development as well as a time-tested method for preparing and supporting volunteers as they facilitate the development of workplace English of immigrant workers.

Volunteers prepare for their work by attending special training sessions and have access to:

Resources: many types of coaching materials and sample lessons and links to Video examples of learners and coaches working in zoom environments.

What We Know:

English Together has developed an effective method of supporting volunteers as they serve as "practice partners" for immigrant workers in developing the English that they need.

10 Week Commitment

Learn how to serve as a “practice partner” for adult English learners. Provide one-on-one support either online or face-to-face.

Help Support Us

We support the creation of rich language opportunities for immigrant workers by bringing them together with volunteers. Help us in carrying out our important mission.

Make A Difference Today

English Together focuses on building community

Americans of all backgrounds have much to gain especially from getting to know and interacting with immigrant workers whose lives are often led next to, but very distant from, the worlds of the people that they serve. Expanding opportunity for all is a key step in the organization’s vision of a better world.