English Together
Supporting Adult Spanish-Speaking Low-Wage Workers

We're the only Silicon Valley area organization that focuses exclusively on workplace English for Latino/a Workers
Our Mission
English Together brings together and creates rich connections between ordinary speakers of English and low-wage workers by preparing volunteers to serve as “practice partners” in workplace English.
- Non profit 501 (c) (3) organization
- Serves low income, Spanish-speaking workers
- Focuses on building community and creating opportunities
Built On
Years Of
Make a Difference
Get Involved Today
Why It Matters
Interactional skills are indispensable for everyday living, for succeeding in the workforce, for participating in civic society, and as a gateway to economic opportunity.
Become a volunteer
Work-place English is Critical for workers to contribute fully to the nation and help us all to reach our fullest potential.
Donate to support us
We support the creation of rich language opportunities for low-wage workers by bringing them together with volunteers.
The Learners
English together supports a range of workers

The English Together Approach
Our Approach focuses on the English that low-wage, Latino workers need in their everyday lives.
English is essential for all workers in the U.S. Developing work-place English is critical if they are to contribute fully to the nation and help us all to reach our fullest potential.
"Strong communities develop when immigrants and receiving communities work together to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive"
Allies — Immigrant Integration Framework: From English Learning to Full Participation